Customer Support

Or, use any of the following methods to contact Customer Support for any inquiries or issues.

@ Email
You may send email to TBS Software Customer Support at
...or... use theContact format the bottom of the page.

🕿 Telephone
TBS Software Customer Support is on +1 (905) 940 9373 extension 777. Immediate access to Technical Support staff is available from Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm Eastern time, excluding Canadian Business holidays.

If all Technical Support analysts are working with other customers, or its outside of our normal business hours, you may be placed into our voice mail system. If so, please leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

You may send facsimiles to TBS Software Customer Support on +1 (905) 940 9376

🖃 Postal mail
You can also reach TBS Software by postal mail. Our address is...
   TBS Software Inc.
   2201-278 Bloor St E.
   Toronto, Ontario
   Canada M4W 3M4