----------------------------------------------------------------------- SMTP-Send R70 README.TXT This directory contains the files for the current distribution, *** SMTP-Send R7.0 Modification Level 520 *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following fixes have been applied to this distribution... OPS-247 PDF automatic page width functionality missing OPS-248 Configuration defaults not honoured for RTF pitch & orient OPS-496 Attach Dataset Name conflicts with parameter, TRanslate OPS-505 CONTROL begins with a Boundary, causing benign rc1030, (no records in file) OPS-507 Boundaries being skipped in multi-send jobs OPS-518 Attachment name incorrect OPS-520 Added support for the NORTF parm on attach statements, Use double quotes on attachment name to allow any value ----------------------------- SMTP-Send Installation README ----------------------------- The .XMI files in this directory are in TSO TRANSMIT format, suitable for binary download to a z/OS host. 1) Download the Documentation -------------------------- The README.TXT (this file you're reading), and the SMTP-Send product manuals (.PDFs) can be downloaded to a PC where you can read the manuals using your PDF viewer. * readme.txt * SMTP-Send 7.0 Installation & Reference Guide.pdf * SMTP-Send 7.0 User Guide.pdf * SMTP-Send 7.0 Release Notes.pdf 2) Download the DOWNLOAD.JCL file ------------------------------ The DOWNLOAD.JCL file is the only installation file you need to download manually, to your z/OS file system. You customize the JCL, then it downloads all required files. NOTE: These instructions refer to all datasets using a dataset prefix of 'SMTPSEND.R70'. You may choose a different prefix, when downloading this JCL, and when customizing it. 3) Run SMTPSEND.R70.DOWNLOAD.JCL ----------------------------- The DOWNLOAD.JCL file contains the z/OS JCL to download the files required for the installation of SMTP-Send. Download and edit this JCL to select the LOADLIB and/or CICSLOAD datasets appropriate for the Edition you are installing. The other dataset types are required for all Editions. Refer to the comments. NOTE: Both the OfficePath, and RAPID Editions use the same libraries, OFP.LOADLIB (Batch) & OFP.CICSLOAD (CICS). 4) Run SMTPSEND.R70.RECEIVE.JCL ---------------------------- The RECEIVE.JCL file contains the z/OS JCL to restore the downloaded .XMI files, to usable datasets. Customize this JCL before running it. 5) Review the \fixes folder ---------------------------- Any fixes available for this release can be found in the \fixes sub-folder. Each fix is a text file containing a brief description, and the AMASPZAP fix. In some cases, a source fix is required, and the fix consists of a load module replacement. Note: If the current distribution is a Modification Level then the fixes listed above, have already been applied. Ignore these fix numbers when reviewing the \fixes folder. If you have an earlier distribution of R70 installed, you can choose which fixes you want to apply. NOTE: You can run SMTP-Send R70 with the EXEC parm 'v' to list the installed patches (fixes). -----------------------------------------------------------------------